Catherine Anne Faber Was Born On This Day

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    Catherine Anne Faber was born on 20 January 1990 by Caesarean Section at Central Dupage Hospital in Winfield, Illinois. She came into the world at 10:18 am weighing 9 lbs. 6 oz. She was 21 inches long.

    Why Is Catherine Anne Faber Called Char?

    When her parents first learned they were pregnant, they thought she was going to be a boy. In fact, they were so sure, they took to calling her Charlie, short for Charles Eduard, the name they chose for her. When they discovered a girl was on the way, she became Catherine Anne, but the nickname stuck. As a toddler, Catherine couldn’t get her mouth around all of Charlie, calling herself Char, or Char Char, for short.

    Today she is happily married Catherine Anne Oliver, and goes by Cat. But around friends and family she still answers to Char, Char Char, Charpepper, Peppernuss, and Nusslet.